hello everyone haaaaa it's long time I'm not posting about my life,activities and all around me. ya first, di bulan ramadhan ini gue sakit! T_T sakit gejala tipes atau db sama inveksi paru-paru. ya sempet masuk rumah sakit jg sih, and I told you I'm different from others, yg lainnya gak suka makanan rumah sakit gue malah sukanya minta ampun. Di siloam hospital karawaci ada menu asia, eropa, menu sehat dll. Can you imagine how beautifull my stomach there? ya tp gak seindah apa yg dirasain perut gue, tangan diinfus huhu T_T sakit sih sakit bgt tp mau gimana lg ya that is the way. And guess what? gara-gara gue sakit ini 2 hari gak masuk dirumah, 3 hari di rumah sakit, sisanya nanggung gara-gara udh mau libur + libur lebaran. SO? its been a 3 weeks and a month I'm not going to school..... huhu miss ya my friend, not my task! Lol.
waaaaaaaaaa org sakit gatau diri? that's me! I just got out from hospital but 1 hari setelah itu gue langsung malakin bapake ke Grand Indonesia, it's long time for me to stay sleep in hospital so that's the price my father should pay for all those disease (?) anak bego.
udah lama gak ketemu temen-temen akhirnya kita ketemuan gt deh, I have so many plans to meet my friends and I think it's absolutely excited weeks! SERU parah ketemu temen-temen lagi.
and the last is....... I have a big good news, I've found my life back :) from this long time for broken heart than I realized it's just wasted my time. I don't even fuckin' care for all the bad news I heard, its just a trash thing I should forget. Lol.
ssssssssssst! I've found the new one exactly :p but it is.... so many. HEHE.
but actually, I'm not a player as you think. I will choose the right one & I deserves too. I got big doubt for this, I won't gettin' hurt for a third time in my life. so if it's wrong, please god let me know. Am I deserve or just dreaming? We'll see :p
ya it's 23:19 pm and I shud go back to my bed friends, tomorrow will be a great day for all of moslem--Lebaran! well, my family and I decided to has trip to bandung as usual,"take care baby" I hope you enjoy and wait my others story ~.~ goodnight dude, seeyaa xoxo! :*
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