" I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track, baby. I was Born This Way"- Lady gaga
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
quotes #ForUs
The Tormented
You waste my tears now, no more torment
But don't just say u've gone away
You tell a fuckin' tale
(Swallow me and spit me out)
How do I get trought of this?
(I can't stand it anymore)
[Can, you, see, me...]
Smiling when I sing this song
[Right, now...]
I just want to be alive
[You know I was dying when you told me]
That I'm not yours anymore
[You know I was dying when you told me]
You're just playing and fooling around with me
When the time she comes and wakes me
[She comes and wakes me]
And when she bit my lips and kissed me there
And when she holds my hand and lives my life tonight [Live tonight]
When she said that she really loves me
Were the worst fucking days
[I'm dying and bleeding of my past]
[I'm dying and bleeding of my past]
[Now slit my throat and let me bleed]
[Now slit my throat and let me bleed]
[Can, you, see, me...]
Smiling when I sing this song
[Right, now...]
I just want to be alive
[You know I was dying when you told me]
That I'm not yours anymore
[You know I was dying when you told me]
You're just playing and fooling around with me
When the time she comes and wakes me
[She comes and wakes me]
And when she bit my lips and kissed me there
And when she holds my hand and lives my life tonight
[Live tonight]
When she said that she really loves me...
But suddenly you came to me, and begged me to be yours again
Right now you're holding my hand and said, but sorry baby, but all I can say is
[No, hell no...]
Can you see the times grows older she blew my dreams away...
It's all done, the time is over...
I don't know how to say to you...
Can you see the times grows older she blew my dreams away...
It's all done, the time is over...
I don't know how to say...
Now... It's All done... No more Torment...
Senin, 11 Oktober 2010
Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010
The differences between A Boy and A Man
“Boys are students: Men are teachers
Boys are consumers: Men are producers
Boys play with toys: Men work with tools
Boys break things: Men make things
Boys ask questions: Men give answers
Boys are disruptive: Men bring order
Boys run in gangs: Men organize teams
Boys play house: Men build homes
Boys shack up: Men get married
Boys make babies: Men raise children
A boy won’t raise his own children: A man will raise his and somebody else’s
Boys invent excuses for failure: Men produce strategies for success
Boys look for somebody to take care of them: Men look for somebody to take care of
Boys are present-centered; Men are time-balanced, having knowledge of the past and understanding of the present and a vision for the future
Boys seek popularity: Men demand respect
Boys are up on the latest: Men are down with the GREATEST.”
PS- boys are a waste of time, and men are hard to find.
which one are you? boy? or Man?
30 ways to make girl smile
1. tell her she is beautiful, not hot or fine.
2. hold her hand at any moment you can.
3. kiss her on the forehead.
4. leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. when she is upset, hold her tight and don’t let her go.
6. recognize the small things; they usually mean the most.
7. call her sweetie, not baby.
8. sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.
9. pick her over all the other girls you hang with.
10. write her notes (she loves them).
11. introduce her to family & friends as your girlfriend.
12. play with her hair & if it smells good tell her.
13. pick her up, tickle her, and play wrestle with her.
14. pick her up and act like your going to drop her and she will screamand yell let her down even though she loves it.
15. tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, okay just tell her jokes.
16. throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missher.
17. let her fall asleep in your arms.
18. carve your names into a tree.
19. if she’s mad, kiss her.
20. give her piggyback rides.
21. bring her flowers just because.
22. treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
23. let her take as many pictures as she wants.
24. slow dance with her even if there isn’t music playing.
25. kiss her in the rain.
26. take long walks on the beach at night with her.
27. wait outside her house in the pouring rain to surprise her when she gets home.
28. when she’s ill stay by her bedside.
29. play fight with her and let her win.
30. and most importantly if you love her, tell her.
all these work perfectly for me.
- Laura serra's blog
Love is all that you want is that person to be happy. Even though you're not a part of their happiness.Love when everything bad seems so perfect.Love is not easily angered, always protect and trust.Love is not just how about you say it, but how you feel it.
"LOVE"it can start from the "stranger" become "life partner"and we can make it from "nothing" become "everything"we can find from "no one" become "someone"but the greatest love that I ever know is whenme & youbecomeUS